Meeting Service on  City Tour
Guide              : Good morning, I’m Azep from Toepng Wisata Tours and Travel. I’m guide for Tulip Group from America. May I see my group ?
Receptionist    : Yes, Your Group is over there.
Guide              : Thank you
(Guide  comes to the tour group)
Guide              : Excuse me, is this Tulip Group from Netherland ?
Group             : Yes,
Guide              : Are you Mrs. Elisabeth ?
Tour Leader    : Yes.. I am
Guide                : How do you do Mrs. Elisabeth, I’m Azep from Topeng Wisata Tours and Travel and I’ll accompany you for City Tour today. Nice to meet you
Tour Leader    : Alright
Guide              : By the way, How as your night ?
Tour Leader    : Good
Guide              : It sounds good. Could you sleep well ?
Tour Leader    : Yes,  comfortable
Guide              : I’m glad to hear that.  And How was your breakfast ?
Tour Leader    : It’s delicious
Guide              : That’s good. Mrs. Elisabeth,  By the way, may I see your group ?
Tour Leader    : Here. This is my group
Guide              : Good Morning everyone
Group             : Good Morning
Guide              : I’m Azep from Topeng Wisata Tours & Travel and I’ll be your guide today.                     Nice to meet you
Group             : Nice to meet you too
Guide              : By the way, How was your night ? Could you take a rest  well ?
Group             : Good. It’s very comfortable
Guide              : That’s good. Have you got a breakfast ?
Group             : Yes, we have
Guide              : How was your breakfast ?
Group             : It’s delicious
Guide              : I’m glad to hear that. Well everyone, today is our city tour program and I’ll tell you about our Itinerary for today. Firstly, we will visit Masjid Merah or Red Mosque Panjunan. Here, we can explore the Islamic historical heritage in Cirebon kingdom   and see the wall of this mosque bacause it made by red brick. Then, we will continue to Vihara Dewi Welas Asih, one of the oldest Chinesse temple in Cirebon as the center of Chiness culture. Then, we are going to Kasepuhan Palace. Here, we can see the heritage of Cirebon Kingdom such as the palace building, Kereta Singa Barong, some kinds of traditional weapons, and others . And then we will have lunch at local restaurant with the menu Nasi Jamblang. And next we’ll explore Sunyaragi Cave. It was a water castle of Cirebon Islamic Kingdom. The last, we will visit Trusmi Village. Trusmi is the biggest home industry of batik in cirebon. Here we can see the proccess of making batik and buy some products of batik. And we will come back to our hotel at 03.00 pm.
Everyone, I just remember you, don’t forget to take your personal belongings such as camera, hand bag, personal medicine and the others. If you have valuable good you can save it in the safety box and don’t forget to give your room key to the receptionist.  Everybody, because one of tourist attractions that we will visit is holy place such as Grand Mosque and Vihara Dewi Welas Asih, so I suggest you not to wear mini dress or too short dress especially for ladies.
Well everyone, we have 10 minutes left. If you want to go to the rest room or maybe change your cloth and I will give you time and wait you here. Anybody want ? No one ?
Alright,  it means  you’ve been ready,  right ?
Well if you’ve been ready please come along with me to the bus. Let’s get on the bus !!


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Tour Commentary of City Tour (on Board)


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