Meeting Service at the airport
TG            : Excuse me, Are you from Tulip Group, Netherland ?
Tourist     : Yes
TG            : And are you Mrs. Elizabeth ?
Tourist     : Yes, I am.
TG            : Nice to meet you Mrs. Elizabeth.
                  How do you do ? I am Azep from Topeng Wisata Tour & Travel as your tour guide. Mrs. Elizabeth welcome to Cakrabuana Airport, welcome to Cirebon City.
                 By the way, how was your flight ?
Tourist     : (Good) that sounds good, and I hope you will enjoy with our  program.(if answer good)
Tourist     : (Tired) I’m sorry to hear that Mrs. Elizabeth,  but I hope now you can enjoy with our program. (if answer : I am tired)
TG            : Mrs. Elizabeth,  may I see your travel voucher ?
Tourist     : Of course, here you are
TG            : Thank you.
                    Well, I think everything is in order.
                    Mrs. Elizabeth, where is your group ?
Tourist     :  This is my group
TG            :  Good morning everybody
                    I’m Azep from Topeng Wisata Tour & Travel. I will accompany you to come to your  hotel today. Nice to meet you
Tourist     : Nice to meet you too
TG            : Everybody, I will tell you the program today but I think more comfortable if we move little bit over there because we’re in the gate way. So please come along with me.
                    Alright everyone,  first of all I would like to say : Welcome to Cakrabuana Airport, Welcome to my country Cirebon, Indonesia.
                    And how was your flight?
Tourist     :  (Good) that’s good, and I hope you will enjoy with our program.
                    (Tired) oh no problem but now you will enjoy with our program.
TG            :  Now I would like to  give you the  luggage tag and please stick it on your luggage.
                    Mrs. Elizabeth, could you help me ? Please share it to your group. Thank you
                    Everybody, have you finished ? if you have  finished, please take your luggage over here.  
                    Good, thank you. There are 30 luggage. Is  that right?
                    Everybody. Don’t worry about your luggage because our team will  handle your luggage.
                    Excuse me. (Pak tolong bawakan bagasinya ke bus. Semuanya ada 30 bagasi. Terimakasih).         
                    Alright, now we would like to check in hotel. The name of our hotel is Santika Hotel. It is located on Jalan Wahidin no. 34. It will take around 30 minutes from here. Our bus has been ready in parking area. The name of our bus is Metropolitan bus with blue colour and red line.
                    So everybody, before going to the bus, maybe some of you want to go to the restroom. I will wait for you here. Anybody want ?
A Tourist:    Yes, I am, but where is it? (If any)
TG          :    Alright. Please go straight in this way and if you see money charger, please turn left. There’s the restroom. And I am waiting for  you here.
Tourist    :    (No) no one ? (If no one want to go to the rest room)
                    Well,  if you have been ready please come along with me
                        Alright, please come along with me go to the bus. Everybody, that is our bus and all of your luggage have been on the bus.  Let’s get on the bus. Mind your step, Mind your head, please!


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